

Registered User
Jan 12, 2018
Best of luck Gems, somewhere over the rainbow you should find pot of gold and succeed.


Registered User
Mar 31, 2018
So, from my understanding my GU ID or account was hacked. So, Even Balance bans you for it and then says we really don't know what happened, but you are banned and that's that. You can appeal, but yeah as stated they tell you to go sit and spin. So, my next phase is going to EA and/or Dice and explaining that their subcontractor banned me from there games, because it seems it affects all my games with PB. So, in all holy likeness I am banned from all my games, therefore $500.00 + down the tube and thousands of hrs played on all my games down the tube. I won't lie, once I started looking at all the time played on my games I did kinda cringe. Made me think this might be a good thing and keep me off my butt. In all honesty though that is My Name, since 1999, they messed with and that makes me pissed. I have heard others in AARP mention that they have had their accounts hacked before and I see them playing. So, if anyone can tell me the proper procedure to getting my "life" back, I would much appreciate it. I just want my name cleared!!! could give a crap less if I have to start from the beginning and work my way up. I did it once and I will do it again. I just want my name cleared!!!

anyhow, thanks for your time guys

oh, I have heard mention someone had vid's of me hacking or cheating or something. Please post them to the forums and youtube as well. I would really like to see them. It's always nice to see someone stuff their foot in their mouth. I have never hacked period and anyone that does should be dragged into the street and shot. my personal opinion. this is why as you can see. when you buy hacks and use them and when you get banned and move onto your next account that they provide you please think about the guys GU ID you may have been using and now he is banned because of you.




Registered User
Mar 31, 2018
No I am pretty stubborn when it comes to getting accused of things I didn't do. Not to mention I am looking at buying a new Jeep Wrangler to add to my collection of vehicles.
(like I really need another one) Right now I am going back and forth with EA and Evenbalance and they keep saying it's the other guy, so not exactly sure what the deal is there, but one of them controls the GUID and both claim it is the other. I also, have been doing some research (granted internet) and have read a few things about PB saying they don't know what caused the issue. First they say that they have no idea what caused this ban and have no way of knowing for sure. They then say it could be your account may have been hacked or your GUID was stolen and used on a different PC. They then have a software that collects data on your hardware or some of it anyways that checks all the systems and when it comes across the same hardware profile it bans it again if you are using a different game. Hardware is known for a banned person (hance banned again). They collect IP addresses from the looks of it as well. So, in all this they say they cannot tell if someone stole your account and/or stole your GUID. although they seem (again via the internet research) to have all the capabilities to identify if my desktop may have jumped from my house, in Idaho, to a place in Argentina or if my hardware was not matching my IP location. So, I am not sure how they can not get a general idea if any account was stolen or GUID. Literally feels like I took my truck to the mechanic and he says "yeah something's wrong with the engine, but not a clue to what, oh and I am keeping the engine. Feel free to climb in the truck and pretend to drive anywhere you want though."
Oh btw PB tells me that I can buy a new game and start a new origin account using a new email address and I can then play. That was HsMagnet PB Support Guys work around for being able to play again. That seems like a whole lot of crap to go through and money out the door for something I didn't do. Rather go down to Evenbalance in Austin Texas and smack a bit of sense into them. I don't know why they don't provide you with a software to check your system out in case it is sending out a False Positive. Seems only fare to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone. Like maybe innocent until proven guilty. Maybe that is only in 49 states. Although I do like their gun laws down there.

Well, I am off to rage at them some more. I took a couple days off to be in a good mood. :)


May 7, 2015
OK first of all, Your guide was not stolen or hacked. The same IP that you use to log in the forums and play in the server is the same IP that was caught using a hack. Even if you buy another account, I can’t allow you to play in the server. I would be violating PBBANS TOS. And let’s not forget the fact that you yourself said you were in the server playing when it happened


May 7, 2015
You have a lot of friends here, so will not flame you, but I cannot stand by and not post up the real facts. What you are posting is far from the truth. Your issue isn't with EB, its with PBBANS. PBBANS is a third party anti cheat service. They are quicker at updating their cheat detection files than Punk Buster.

1. You yourself said you were in the server playing when you were caught
2. You tried to reconnect and you were kicked again
3. The IP you use to log into the forums and play in our server is the same IP that was associated with the cheat.
4. When you appealed to PBBANS all you did was send them your chat log with EB. That is not proof
5. As a streaming admin with PBBANS I cannot allow a convicted cheater to play in our server. I would be violating their TOS. I am not willing to lose my streaming rights.

As you can see in the screen shot from PBBANS, it matches exactly what you told us. You were caught and kicked, then tried to reconnect and kicked again. Two minutes apart. So, the cheat that was used was detected on our server. Not someone else's. You were playing at that time. You readily admitted that.

You can see where it says "violation" (when you were caught) and then you tried to reconnect and were kicked again-as you can see where it says "enforced".


Also, the IP using the cheat was as you can see above

The PIC below is the IP you use on our forums


Now I don't want to cause any hard feelings with anyone, I am just laying out the correct facts. There is no way someone hacked your guid.


Registered User
Jan 11, 2018
I think out of respect we should refrain this time. He’s appealing it and it’s not proper in my opinion but I’ll admit that opinion is biased based on how I have seen him play the in the past two years. I’m super scrutinous and wary of hackers you all know that. Gemslee NEVER ONCE made my spidey senses tingle.

It would be in poor taste to tell him we hope he gets it sorted out and then shove a ban gif in his face, just sayin’
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Registered User
Jan 11, 2018
You have a lot of friends here, so will not flame you, but I cannot stand by and not post up the real facts. What you are posting is far from the truth. Your issue isn't with EB, its with PBBANS. PBBANS is a third party anti cheat service. They are quicker at updating their cheat detection files than Punk Buster.

1. You yourself said you were in the server playing when you were caught
2. You tried to reconnect and you were kicked again
3. The IP you use to log into the forums and play in our server is the same IP that was associated with the cheat.
4. When you appealed to PBBANS all you did was send them your chat log with EB. That is not proof
5. As a streaming admin with PBBANS I cannot allow a convicted cheater to play in our server. I would be violating their TOS. I am not willing to lose my streaming rights.

As you can see in the screen shot from PBBANS, it matches exactly what you told us. You were caught and kicked, then tried to reconnect and kicked again. Two minutes apart. So, the cheat that was used was detected on our server. Not someone else's. You were playing at that time. You readily admitted that.

You can see where it says "violation" (when you were caught) and then you tried to reconnect and were kicked again-as you can see where it says "enforced".

View attachment 1035

Also, the IP using the cheat was as you can see above

The PIC below is the IP you use on our forums

View attachment 1036

Now I don't want to cause any hard feelings with anyone, I am just laying out the correct facts. There is no way someone hacked your guid.

Facts are facts and I wish you the best Gemslee but in this case and still hoping you get this resolved, I need to stand by Red on this.

Best of luck my friend.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2016
I think out of respect we should refrain this time. He’s appealing it and it’s not proper in my opinion but I’ll admit that opinion is biased based on how I have seen him play the in the past two years. I’m super scrutinous and wary of hackers you all know that. Gemslee NEVER ONCE made my spidey senses tingle.

It would be in poor taste to tell him we hope he gets it sorted out and then shove a ban gif in his face, just sayin’

How many appeals does one get? After I seen it was denied, I thought that was it?


Dec 19, 2017
Everything happens for a reason.


I'm not shocked by this at all. I've been killed by him on more than one occasion where I was left wondering if the kill was legit or not.

We can debate all day about very difficult or suspicious shots, but when a hack is found on someones computer there is no longer a need to debate it, or try to rationalize it.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2016
Like I have said before, you get caught cheating you are guilty till proven innocent....he was not proven innocent so it's ''GAME OVER'' I don't care who you are.

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