Banned for telling Redkilla to stay outta fields with his ucav


Founder MCP
Aug 29, 2015
Digital Purgatory
Apparently your perma mute didn't teach you a lesson. So you were temp banned. You refuse to spawn in and bitch about your team not taking flags and you sit there with the lowest points on the board. You had about 1000 points that morning and had the nerve to bitch at everyone else who had 20k points or more. Or even better, you just sit on F the whole map and just bitch away in chat. Its the same thing every morning with you. I just got tired of hearing you bitch about your team and you do nothing. Then you throw in your little digs and leave the server only to come back later cause your clan server is empty, as usual . And then act like nothing happened. We were all talking about it in our squad that morning.

I had over 25k points and you bitch to me about taking flags? LMAO!!! While your sitting there barely at 1000? But like the coward you are you immediately left the server after your bullshit comments.