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May 7, 2015
His response back to me, apparently us young kids at AARP dont know what we are doing..LMAO. I guess I was right to ban his other account the first time! And yea..whatever.. When am I not drunk as hell. By the way, the only reason you can play at Noobs is because they dont stream their server to PBBANS, but since this is an Evenbalance violation, you wont be able to play there either now.




Registered User
May 6, 2018
This is all too sad guys. Now to think of it, I was PB banned in Noobs in Gulmud server then I tried to enter AARP and the same shit, i was kicked. Go back and read your logs and see how many players accused me of cheating and you will find none. Can this be a false positive? 100% a false positive because I have standards. The game is far from perfect. If the Admin from the Noobs in Gulmud server changed the MD5 server check to check more players more frequently then he will be getting more false positives on his server. When I hosted a PB server, I learned all of this and I say again PB is far from perfect. But Redkilla assumes that I am a cheat because he banned me before because "he was drunk" not because I did something wrong really? Had I known that this was a PB script ban, I would have not wasted my time here. As much as you want to prejudge players that you don't know as cheats, you may consider the conditions or what the players are saying. I have already appealed this false ban.
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Registered User
May 6, 2018
"By the way, the only reason you can play at Noobs is because they dont stream their server to PBBANS, but since this is an Evenbalance violation, you wont be able to play there either now". Actually they do because the ban was not from your server. I went to Noobs in Gulmud and couldnt join there then I tried to join AARP as I assumed Redkilla had banned me again. So your wrong there about your assumptions hero.


Forum Duke
Sep 21, 2017
Between Here and There
It's the nature of anti-cheats vs cheating. If you believe you've been falsely banned, you need to go directly to Evenbalance and/or PBBANS to discuss it. We simply enforce what's in place, we don't make decisions on the part of these companies/groups. We have no way to tell if you are innocent or not, regardless of what you say. We can only use what we have available and this is a different case than a 'Suspect Cheater' getting banned by us, personally. Arguing here, with us, won't fix your ban. As much as we would like to help you, all we can do is point you in the right direction and wish you the best of luck.

PunkBuster Support


Registered User
Jun 5, 2018
His response back to me, apparently us young kids at AARP dont know what we are doing..LMAO. I guess I was right to ban his other account the first time! And yea..whatever.. When am I not drunk as hell. By the way, the only reason you can play at Noobs is because they dont stream their server to PBBANS, but since this is an Evenbalance violation, you wont be able to play there either now.

View attachment 1527


Young kid's ...LoL that's rich


May 7, 2015
This is all too sad guys. Now to think of it, I was PB banned in Noobs in Gulmud server then I tried to enter AARP and the same shit, i was kicked. Go back and read your logs and see how many players accused me of cheating and you will find none. Can this be a false positive? 100% a false positive because I have standards. The game is far from perfect. If the Admin from the Noobs in Gulmud server changed the MD5 server check to check more players more frequently then he will be getting more false positives on his server. When I hosted a PB server, I learned all of this and I say again PB is far from perfect. But Redkilla assumes that I am a cheat because he banned me before because "he was drunk" not because I did something wrong really? Had I known that this was a PB script ban, I would have not wasted my time here. As much as you want to prejudge players that you don't know as cheats, you may consider the conditions or what the players are saying. I have already appealed this false ban.

And yet you have not appealed your ban yet. We dont assume you are a cheat, Evenbalance does. We did not ban you. Punkbuster did. Your beef is with them. Not us. We cant unban you even if we wanted to. I do not maintain the master ban list from PBBANS.


Registered User
May 6, 2018
Note #4: We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed.

The supplied GUID has been associated with hacking or interfering with the normal operation of our PunkBuster software and has therefore been compromised resulting in a global ban from PunkBuster enabled game servers. We have no way of knowing who was actually playing with this GUID at the time the violation was triggered. We also have no way to know if the violation was triggered on your specific computer. Our system does not collect personal information and furthermore we have no way to attach a cheat/hack violation to a specific person. This ban will not be lifted as then the person who did trigger the violation would again be able to join PunkBuster Servers using this GUID.

To be clear: we are not saying that you cheated as we have no way to know who triggered the violation. If it is certain that no one playing on your computer ever had a cheat/hack violation triggered by PunkBuster, then your GUID (cdkey and/or game account password) has been stolen by or leaked to someone who has used it on a different computer to trigger the violation. We do not have the means to help you find out who is responsible for compromising your GUID.

So, this is the response that Even Balance "Alex J" sent me for my appeal. I'm going to break it down for you.
(1) We do not find this violation to be triggered in error
(2) The supplied GUID has been associated with hacking therefore been compromised
(3) We have no way of knowing who was actually playing with this GUID
(4) We also have no way to know if the violation was triggered on your specific computer
(5) we are not saying that you cheated
(6) we have no way to know who triggered the violation

So, right now there is great deal of "unknowns" according to Alex J. The only thing he knows is: "We do not find this violation to be triggered in error".
I almost believed the assumption that my GUID was compromised until I logged into PBbans to see. Back in 2010, we (our clan) had used PB for the PC game Crysis and Call of duty.
There is only 3 Ip associated with my account. I recognize all 3 Ip as mine and I know when I had swapped Modem/routers and the circumstances. So, no compromise there.



<Date>Tue, 16 Oct 2018 19:58:12 -0500</Date>

<GameName>Battlefield 4</GameName>

<UserLocation>United States</UserLocation>

<Violation>VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 81662</Violation>



Level 140
wins: 53%
time: 3635H
kills: 131220
score/min: 337
kills/min: 0.60
K/D: 1.42

Redkilla: "Yea..False positive.. LOL Stats dont always mean what you think it does".

So, I was banned after entering the AARP server. I was not on a team or spawned on the map yet. This I am now 100% sure. I had been playing in the Noobs in Gulmud server
after Redkilla had previously banned me (PB ban) "because he was drunk as hell". At least this was the explaination that he gave me. So yes, this is entertaining so go ahead and
laugh some more. He eventually deleted the ban after I emailed him and I was greatful. So, I had been playing in the Noobs in Gulmud server for a long time and on the 16th the 48 player server
was full so I tried to join the AARP server and subsequently was banned. I played for a long time in the AARP server previously and know most of the players by name. Not one complaint
about me. It was the personalities there like Welfed that kept me coming back until I was banned by Redkilla "because he was drunk as hell".
So, I guess now I have to purchase a new game with a new GUID as my old GUID has been compromised? I dont know the process as this is the first time I'm dealing
with Even Balance, Inc. Here is something else for those who think it is funny to laugh it up some more. I'm being denied access to a game I purchased and paid for by a third
party and the company I purchased the game from can do nothing about it? All of the lame excuses from Alex J is unacceptable. His explaination clearly shows that they have
no real idea resolving bans. This is not about the money involved with buying a new game but rather the principal and BS players have to deal with. So no, I
will not be buying a new BF4 game. So, you guys can laugh some more. I hope I was entertaining for you.


Registered User
May 6, 2018
"His response back to me, apparently us young kids at AARP dont know what we are doing..LMAO. I guess I was right to ban his other account the first time! And yea..whatever.. When am I not drunk as hell. By the way, the only reason you can play at Noobs is because they dont stream their server to PBBANS, but since this is an Evenbalance violation, you wont be able to play there either now".

How lame can you get Redkilla? You banned me because "you was drunk as hell". Own it because that was the reason you gave me. Not because I was cheating or doing anything unacceptable. You were wrong from any f*cking angle you choose to look at it. Maybe it was because I dropped c4 on your tank at F? But you were clearly too drunk to remember. This doesnt change my Even Balance, Inc ban but sure is good to get it off my chest. Another thought for the day. How many hackers would be as upset as I am over all this BS in the name of a game? So yeah, give yourself a big pat on the shoulder because this has to be one of your greatest accomplishments in life!
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