Ban Appeal


New member
Jan 6, 2024
West by God Virginia
Username: stevefrenchhere

What is your soldier name in game ? stevefrenchhere

What server were you banned from ? RC1

Link to video: ( Not Required )

Your appeal statement: I was infantry on the road to A, approximately north of E extended around the rocks. Tank comes from field between E and base. Fight between team and tank, including me with a RPG. I die. He dies. He bans me. Did I shoot first? I think so, but Im not entirely sure. Did I know we couldn't attack anyone there? No. Just to give some context. The score was something like 1100 to 200. Their only cap was E. The game was going to be over in less than 5 minutes. I've had a few drinks, but I think that's fairly accurate. I'm sure Simpson will post video if it refutes any of that.

I'm sure this is like the NFL; appealing the ban to the very person that banned you. But the admin unfairly applied the base rape rule to ban me, plain and simple. I was on foot from A. How close could I have gotten to the base? I don't think I was extended past E. And were any of the other blueberries who were attacking you also banned? Our whole team was on your side of the map.

Ive been on the server almost daily for the last few months. On and off for years. Introduced myself on the forum not too long ago since I had been playing here more. Squaded up with many of you. Anyone known me to break a rule? Or not PTFO? I play infantry on ABC almost exclusively. Does my history on your server not garner some credit? 4 straight matches yesterday, my team went up 500+ tickets and I switched teams trying to make it a game. And then I get banned for the most marginal of alleged offenses? Unreal.

Upload Proof/Evidence (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Date You Were Banned 2/17/24


Active member
Jan 28, 2024
Aint no one reading all that

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