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Registered User
Mar 21, 2017
My name is Miguel, but i prefer to be called turtle/tortuga since i love my nickname haha, im from Mexico, i been living in ATL for almost 10 years,
im bilingual but my english still not fluent, anyway i have not problem having a casual chit chat or playing in coms while playing online games
i really enjoy the server and i like how admins are actually good! very hard to find mature admins/players in battlefield
i been playing battlefield games since 2010 bc2/bf3/hardline/bf4 and recently bf1.. a game i dont play very often, since i still enjoying bf4
im a conquest player but i play all of the modes of this game, rush/obliteration/gunmaster(i was ranked #1 for almost a year with 900 wins)
playing as infantry is enjoyable, but in conquest i play mostly as a tanker or IFV driver, if im drunk i can just sit on the gunner seat or repair
also im never afraid of taking an attack chopper and fly with a friend or play as an engineer and cause troubles with smaw or sraw killing stuff in the air or ground
it will be my pleasure to join the AARP community, i play mostly from 7 to 11 east time. nice to meet you guys!


Jul 25, 2015
Welcome Turtle! Glad you are here!

loved your comment about gunning when your drunk. you would be a good fit with Redkilla when he is drunk! can you imagine that tanking combo... would be fun to watch!
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