Ban Appeal


New member
May 2, 2024
Username: KingChingTai

What is your soldier name in game ? KingChingTai

What server were you banned from ? RC1

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Your appeal statement: Banned by "KarekCat" for teamkilling. Im a regular and im cool with most other regulars on the server especially the later hours crowd. The round before my ban I killed someone on enemy team with LAV, they switch teams and start reporting me for cheating, ramming me with a tank, and trying to kill my LAV with their tank when I get out to repair. They also then stole the LAV when I was out repairing and sat AFK with it in spawn so no one could use it. Although I saw a warning message in chat, this person somehow is not banned or kicked on the spot. I get banned for flipping the viper to get the level 1 troll out of my heli. The life before I teamkilled, this level 1 stole the heli from me, and after I said something like "dont do that" he flies in a straight line and suicides the heli. How I am getting banned for trying to get my good gunner back in to win the game, and these trolls are not banned for sabotage, I am not sure. Im sure my name has a very long list of reports for either toxic behavior or false cheat accusations, but ask the regulars like Chili or Vegeta I only play to win and only teamkill people who are trolling me first by either stealing heli or teamkilling me as revenge.

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Date You Were Banned 5/1/2024


Forum Duke
Sep 21, 2017
Between Here and There
You're not supposed to Teamkill people to get them out of the gunner/pilot seat. You've done this several times before, and it has always been unacceptable behavior. This matters more because you're a regular, and you should damn well know better. Doesn't matter what kind of 'high horse' excuse you use, it's not a solution.


New member
May 2, 2024
You're not supposed to Teamkill people to get them out of the gunner/pilot seat. You've done this several times before, and it has always been unacceptable behavior. This matters more because you're a regular, and you should damn well know better. Doesn't matter what kind of 'high horse' excuse you use, it's not a solution.
So what would the solution be if someone is trolling me in a number of ways like: Stealing vehicles while repping, teamkilling my vehicle while repping, getting in heli and being AFK in gunner, or teamkilling the heli with gunner seat? I understand me teamkilling is against rules and will abstain but I know you were spectating the match before my ban because I saw the warning message to my troll after 2 reports were put in. I know you claim that because im a regular I should know better but why does the new player get a warning and I instantly get banned without warning when 1) A warning wouldve sufficed 2) Regular players like me are on the receiving end of trolls all the damn time and its hard to not get frustrated. The example of my ban alone I was trolled 2 games in a row and the first troll wasnt even warned till the endgame screen popped up. Its just frustrating to sit and be a victim until my report goes through.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2023
San Antonio TX
You do fly very well but if you did legit go flip a chopper on somebody in spawn I would accept your time out, I can understand its easy to have blood pressure raised from such events as it has happened to me thousands of times after this much time with this game. But in the end if you record the deed and post it as evidence more time then not the admins will review it and drop the hammer but it will not come down immediately. I would ask the administration to give him another chance and if he does it again its a perm ban.


New member
Oct 12, 2021
Username: KingChingTai

What is your soldier name in game ? KingChingTai

What server were you banned from ? RC1

Link to video: ( Not Required )

Your appeal statement:
Banned by "KarekCat" for teamkilling. Im a regular and im cool with most other regulars on the server especially the later hours crowd. The round before my ban I killed someone on enemy team with LAV, they switch teams and start reporting me for cheating, ramming me with a tank, and trying to kill my LAV with their tank when I get out to repair. They also then stole the LAV when I was out repairing and sat AFK with it in spawn so no one could use it. Although I saw a warning message in chat, this person somehow is not banned or kicked on the spot. I get banned for flipping the viper to get the level 1 troll out of my heli. The life before I teamkilled, this level 1 stole the heli from me, and after I said something like "dont do that" he flies in a straight line and suicides the heli. How I am getting banned for trying to get my good gunner back in to win the game, and these trolls are not banned for sabotage, I am not sure. Im sure my name has a very long list of reports for either toxic behavior or false cheat accusations, but ask the regulars like Chili or Vegeta I only play to win and only teamkill people who are trolling me first by either stealing heli or teamkilling me as revenge.

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Date You Were Banned 5/1/2024
First of all , you are a great pilot but i don`t like you when you are on the enemy team lol . It is hard when you get noob in your vehicle and he/she doesn`t listen . I have been there many times and everyone else im sure . I also remember when i started gunning in the heli and didn`t know jack shit about it . It wasn`t easy to learn what you need if the pilot didn`t tell you how . If you decide to kill the team player , at least don`t make it so obvious lol . Don`t stress too much who get in your vehicle , just keep going and do best you can . Eventually you`ll get your fav gunner in . After all , it would be nice to have your heli/tank or what ever you use in the game ready when ever you want but ,we don`t own the rights on any vehicles in the game so just switch to something else until available . Remember , we were all noobs once .
P.S. thank you shriyu libra . For giving me advice being patient when i started gunning in the heli long time ago , yeah i remember that , you probably dont lol .


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2018
First of all , .......
P.S. thank you shriyu libra . For giving me advice being patient when i started gunning in the heli long time ago , yeah i remember that , you probably dont lol .
Confused Stephen Colbert GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2023
San Antonio TX
There will never be peace so long as Tanks, Ucavs and tanks exist lol. I have no clue what those numbers mean what I want to see my score next.