players vs Our Clan

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Clan Member
Mar 16, 2016
Sparks, NV
im in.. just need to know in advance.. wanted to play in last slaughter. but wasn't aware of it until it was over. also have to think about time zone issues all across the boards


Registered User
I'm in. We might get our asses handed to us but it'll be a learning experience.

I'm proficient in all the vehicles but I'm best at tanks and the AH so if we do this I'll take on of those roles or fill in wherever necessary i.e. helping nook in the jet
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Registered User
Okay I've done some thinking and taken some time to prepare these maps. These are just suggestions as this is what typically works for me and other clans I've been a part of. Of course these all depend on the progress of the team and how well we push the enemy.

(Ignore the red water mark)

The first is split into zones. We'll maybe have 1 squad in each zone depending on the situation.


The second displays all situational repair zones for tanks and other land vehicles. Note: these are only for emergencies as they provide some cover but you might still get flanked.


The third shows tank positions and routes which provide good map control and good cover.


The fourth and final image describes basic patrol routes for the AH that provide good defensive map control and provide places for the AH to land and repair.



Registered User
Oct 15, 2016
Hey gents, I'm in too - had a few crazy weeks, but my schedule is getting back to something resembling normal now.


Jul 25, 2015
Undertaker.... that is pretty elaborate plan. I like it.

so who is on point for implementing the play, assigning the players, and coordinating the event?


Registered User
Oct 15, 2016
I think ideally, you would also have a Commander (not sure if this was mentioned earlier?) who would be giving orders to the squads - dropping supplies, scans, etc

(edit) Oops - I get what you meant.. duh
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Registered User
Oct 15, 2016
Those are some great illustrations Undertaker, I think some hands on practice and coordination would be a good start.

I'm really pumped about this - always thought BF would be an awesome game to have a coordinated group of guys... wish it was 5PM already so I could get online and play!


Jul 25, 2015
I think ideally, you would also have a Commander (not sure if this was mentioned earlier?) who would be giving orders to the squads - dropping supplies, scans, etc

(edit) Oops - I get what you meant.. duh

your point is still valid. Commanders can add a lot of value. I love playing commander and understand it quite well... (most players I know don't even realize that the commander can only deploy the AC130 if his team controls Foxtrot - the only real value of Foxtrot)....

one other item we underestimated last time we were in a challenge like this.... there is a lot of focus on the vehicles and almost zero focus on ground troops. The Next clan KILLED us because they had a 3 player team that took jeeps to A/B/C and capped and rocket launched against us...

our most successful player in that match was olemanrivers who went infantry and tore them up... (over 10 kills, next most kills was 5).

just a thought...


Registered User
Alright so I've made a basic guideline of steps we can aim to follow although we will have to adapt according to what the other team decides to do, hope you guys like it.

In the first image I've changed the zones around. There are 2 primary zones which will have at least 1 squad designated to them. The other zones are neutral and are there for movement between zones or collaboration between squads. Note: squads are not necessarily needed in these "neutral" zones.


The second image describes our initial attack focus of the A and D points. A will give us a foot-hold in the north and D will provide a strategic advantage. About 3 tanks will be needed to attack/defend zone 1. These 3 tanks will remain together and will be very difficult to take down (especially if targets are painted by soflams). 2 tanks will focus on zone 2 however, D is their primary focus. The AA will remain with the 2 southern tanks for this time.


Once A and D are secured, squad 2 will proceed to C. Squad 1 will move to B and establish positions depending on the situation. C will provide a second scout heli which can be put to good use scouting enemy movements as well as securing air superiority.


As soon as we acquire A, B, C and D we have conquest control and we will win the game as long as these 4 flags are defended. Squad 2 will remain in Zone 2 to prevent enemy counter-attacks on D. If needed they can move to neutral 2 and cover squad 1. If we have a commander present F becomes a key strategic position. As long as we hold F and pressure the enemy AA our gunship can provide support across the southern half of the map. Note: F can be defended from Zone 2.


The fifth image shows squad 2 moving to E to secure the LAV if need be. Squad 2 doesn't need to cap E, especially if another squad is at disposal. Squad 2's main focus is Zone 2.


These images are only representative of a 6 man team (5 tanks and an AA) on the RU side. However, the strategy can still apply from the CN side.
Ideally we will have full tanks, an AA, airsupport and at least 1 squad of distraction forces. This 3rd squad will carry C4 and distract the enemy or sabotage any offenses.

Sorry for the long post lol
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